Friday, October 10, 2008


I was tagged by my cute sister-in-law Tiffany. And I loved reading about all her stuff. I'm terrible at this kind of thing. I'm never sure what to say, especially the facts about myself. I'm kind of boring. But it's ok! And it's fun!
3 joys
3 fears
3 goals
3 current obsessions/collections
3 facts about yourself
Tag 3 people at the end of your post by leaving their names, then let them know they're tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
3 Joys

1- Jake and Lucas. I love watching them play together. I love my play time with just Lucas. I also love my play time with just Jake. We have so much fun as a family and laugh all the time, especially when Jake and Lucas are wrestling on the floor.
2- Reading a good book. I love to read, find books to recommend to other people who like to read, and to let the dishes sit for another night so that I finally finish the book I've been reading.
3- Chocolate. I have never loved chocolate as much as I do right now. I think it's a pregnant thing. I dream about it. It has never tasted so good in all my life. I like chocolate milk, chocolate covered cinnamon bears, and just pieces of regular old chocolate. It makes me happy. It better just be a pregnant thing or else I'm going to be one of those old women who have stashes of chocolate and crochet pillows with sayings like "hand over the chocolate and no one gets hurt".
3 Fears

1- BIG Spiders. I don't care about the little ones, or even the ones that are "average" sized. I can squash those with no problem. But when one comes around that is big and menacing, I freak out.
2- My car running out of gas. I don't know why. It's not like I push the limits of my gas tank or anything. Just whenever that needle gets low, I start watching the dial.
3- I don't mean to be morbid - Dying. I have never felt this way before I got married and became a mom. Suddenly I have people relying on me. The realization of what they mean to me and what I mean to them and what it would mean if I was gone....that's what it is. But honestly, I don't worry about it too much. Heavenly Father has a plan. All will be ok.
3 Goals

1- To start cooking again. I am actually excited to be able to cook dinners for my family. I like to cook, and think I'm pretty good at it. So as soon as the nausea goes away a little more, I'm going to start trying out all those dinners I've been watching Rachel Ray work so hard at.
2- To loose weight after I have this baby. Enough said.
3-Build up our food supply. Jake and I have been thinking about this for a long time. We have some things, but not as much as we need. It's been tough to know what to get our little family, and what to get when we don't have a permanent place to put the stuff. But at the end of this year, watch out Costco. We're hitting up the flour/wheat/spices aisle.
3 Current Obsessions/Collections

1- Does making sure Lucas is dressed warmly enough count? It should. I'm a little obsessed.
2- Watching Dancing with the Stars and Jon and Kate Plus Eight. This is a weird thing for me. I usually don't watch TV shows regularly. I love DWTS because...well, it's fun. And for those of you who have never seen an episode of Jon and Kate Plus Eight, watch one. If you don't like it after a full show, I will be shocked. It's about a couple who had twins, then wanted to have another baby, and got six. The kids are beautiful, fun, and normal. Jon and Kate are also interesting, too. It's just one of those shows that's fun to watch. If you couldn't tell, my recent requirements for shows to watch in my limited time are ones that are "fun".
3- BYU Football. It's that time of year again. When I start getting nervous for next weeks game as soon as this weeks game has started. Where I yell at the TV and don't understand why they can't just be perfect all the time!!! And where I'm optimistically pessimistic about their chances of actually going the whole season without losing and getting into a BCS bowl game.
3 Facts about Myself

1- I love to run. Whenever it's been too long, or in times like I've had recently when I haven't been able to run, I find myself craving it. I even have dreams about going on a long run and feeling really good. Those are the days that I chase after Lucas a little more, and go on longer walks. I can't wait to start up again.
2- When Jake and I lived in Washington D.C. I worked for The Washington Post in public relations. I was thrown into the world newspapers, politics, copyrights, kissing up, and putting together an amazing awards show. Because when you're in public relations, it has to be nothing short of amazing. And I loved it. Could this be a future career path?
3- Here comes the grade school "fact about Jennifer". My eyes change color from blue to green depending on the color of my shirt and sometimes the time of day. And I can shake my eyes from side to side really fast. OOOOhhhhhhh.

There you have it. Some things about me. So now I tag Kelcie, Emily, and Jenae.

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