Sunday, November 9, 2008

The Reading Gene

Maybe it is genetically possible to pass on the love of reading! Lucas loves to read in bed, much like his mother. He has to have a blanket, his pillow, and a book. Any book. He looks at the pictures, turns the pages, and sometimes laughs, at the appropriate time I'm sure. I don't think he got this from my example...the only time I get to read anything is after he's gone to bed. So I think that reading is just in the genes!


Jessica said...

Wow I didn't know that about lucas! I wish my kids would do the same, they seem very much the opposite, which is not great for sara right now, seeing as she is learning to read in school!

Anonymous said...

SO cute! I hope Christian some how gets the same gene. He never sees me reading since I do it all after he's gone to bed.

Judy said...

That's my boy! He's so wonderful - and he has a great example in his Mom!
I've emailed Cindy asking her HOW to fix your post thing - we'll see what she says.

janabigelow said...

So cute! I totally remember you reading all the time (especially in a certain spot when I was at your house)!Hope you are feeling okay!

Maginot said...

That is so cute that he does that, love it!