Natalie Lynne ~ 6 lbs 4 oz 18 inches
After only a few hours of labor and the easiest delivery possible, Natalie Lynne joined our family on April 1st, at 2:07 am.
Lucas and Natalie.
Dad and Natalie in the hospital
Lucas LOVES to hold Natalie. He holds his arms out and makes little "gimmy" motions with his hands until we put her in his lap. Then he points out her facial features, "eyes, nose, ears, hair".
love her because she is half you~ What a sweet baby girl!
she is super pretty, you have a beautiful family. congratulations
You forgot to put her birthday/time -
She was born April 1st at 2:10 a.m. (I think that's the official time). Just so anyone who reads the comments will know. Jenni - post the date and MORE PICTURES!
Love - A very proud Grandma!
Congratulations! Lucas is so adorable with her. So excited for you guys- I'm especially excited for you that you had a good delivery.
Oh man she is so super cute!
I am totally laughing right now. I was looking at the slide show on the bottom and Jake is SO MUCh like Jason. Every picture is a different haircut, and some crazy facial hair thing going on. So funny!
Congrats!!! If you need something, you have my #.
Congrats you guys! she's darling - and i love to see the perfect-ness of new born babies! what a miracle! Lucas looks so BIG now! Hugs!
She is so adorable. I am so happy for you and Jake. I hope that you guys adjust well. I am so excited to see how Lucas handles his little sister. He is getting more handsome each day. We need to get together and I want to see your new little girl. XOXO
Congrats Jenni! She is beautiful! Glad everything went well and easy for you!
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