Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I'm Now Guilty Of One Of My Pet Peeves

This is really really late, and I debated for a while if it was even worth doing a post for it now. But the pictures are so cute, I just couldn't not do it. These are Christmas pictures. Over a month late. I'm one of those people that must take the Christmas decorations down the week, or even better, the day after New Years Day. Not that I don't love Christmas time, just ask my family. I plan for it months in advance. It's just that when it's over, it's over. And having the Christmas tree up for too long, or the lights still plugged in on the house weeks after it's over, is just plain old depressing....and infuriating. Take them down already!!! I'm yelling this in my head to the four (FOUR!) neighbors that still have their Christmas lights on. And sometimes I yell it out loud in my car and confuse poor Lucas. But here I go, it's Christmas in February.

Lucas waiting for a present to unwrap
Unwrapping with Uncle James. Who he calls Nee for some reason. His favorite person to play with, next to daddy.

Jake calls these his Kevin pajamas. As in Kevin from Home

Drawing on his new Magna Doodle. Or Ghost Writer to Jake. He still loves to draw on this. I love it when toys don't get old. Lucas seems to figure them out then move on. But there are those few toys that get played with over and over again.

Christmas Sunday Outfit.

Even with a messy face, it's still cute!


kim west said...

So cute. i know what you mean about the christmas decor. Unplug your lights already! Your boy is adorable and oh my james is so big!

janabigelow said...

Lucas is so cute! Yes I am tired too and feeling big but not feeling ready to deal with three kids! You will probably have your baby before me too! I know doesn't it seem like yesterday that your mom was having James and now look how huge he is!