Monday, August 4, 2008

Ode to Twilight

So I'm a total nerd. I went to one of the Twilight parties with my sister-in-law Tiffany. And it was a total blast! It was so much fun to read every ones shirts (we made shirts too, so don't laugh), listen to the trivia, and just enjoy the general....Twilight Splendor.

I'm even more of a nerd that I've already finished the book and now I'm in mourning over the loss of such a fun series. I already had to say goodbye to Harry Potter last year! There's only so much an avid reader like me can take! So goodbye Twilight. You will be missed. Until the next series comes along.
And I'll go to that party too.

1 comment:

Gooch Family said...

Hey Jenni! I found your blog from Matt's and I think your little boy is so cute!! I love your post about the Twilight series, your so funny! Glad to see you are doing well, it has been way too long!