Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The Latest On Lucas

As many of you know, our little Lucas has never actually slept through the night. After mom and dad intuition, a sleep test, and a visit to an ear nose and throat doctor, it's been determined that Lucas will be having surgery on September 19th to have his tonsils and adenoids removed.

Lucas has severe sleep apnea that wakes him up a minimum of 11 times an hour because he can't breathe. Poor kid! And I have to admit, that I had been thinking "poor mom" a lot until I realized that he's probably a lot more tired than I am! The surgery will be done at Primary Children's and we have a great doctor to go to. He helped us feel very confident in the decision to put Lucas through this, and told us that we'll most likely be keeping Lucas down after the surgery. This really is a low risk kind of surgery and the doctor is very cautious and will keep Lucas in the hospital for 24 hours after the surgery.

We're taking every ones prayers and thoughts as we get ready for this. We know it's best for Lucas. We're still scared, it's surgery for heaven sakes! But it's a good thing.

Here are some pictures of Lucas after the sleep test. The things on his head are from the monitors that made him look like the son of Medusa. He was so happy to be done, and that the nurse wasn't in the room anymore. That was the worst part of the whole thing. He was so scared of the lady putting all that goopy stuff on him!

1 comment:

emily said...

oh my goodness ... he's SO darling! and hooray for intuition! i am so happy to hear that things will be getting back to normal - well not back ... they will be normal finally! good luck and we'll be praying for you!