Saturday, September 6, 2008

And Baby Makes Four

Yes, it's true. We're expecting our new addition to join us the beginning of April. End of March if the doctor is merciful and will induce a couple of weeks early. Right now, I'm sick sick sick sick sick. Sick. And I'm very grateful for all the help that our parents are giving us. Poor Lucas is minus his Momma right now. But it will get better. I do remember that from the first time. So Lucas will just have some play time with the grandparents and Uncle James and I'll get reacquainted with being nauseated with smells, the sight of food, and even the thought of food. All you other moms out there totally understand what I'm saying.

We're very excited, and blessed, to be having this baby and can't wait to meet him. Yes, I said him. Because in the Wirth family, it's pretty much a guarantee that it will be a boy. We'll make that official in about another 10 weeks when the ultrasound confirms it!


Maginot said...

Congrats! I can't believe you didn't tell me when we talked last week! I guess I should also give my condolences...I know first hand just how awful your pregnancy was the first time around, hopefully it's been a little better this time around since you're not at the Barlow. Hope Lucas' surgery went well.

Molly said...

Congrats! I'm so excited for you guys. I am anxious to hear how Lucas' surgery went. He is so dang cute! I hope you are all well and getting some sleep, you are gonna need it mom.