Monday, December 22, 2008

Let It Snow!!!

As many of you know, I love the snow. I especially love it at this time of year. It just doesn't feel like Christmas without snow. Right now, it's snowing like crazy outside with no sign of stopping, and I couldn't be happier! Lucas on the other hand, isn't too sure about the white stuff. When we go outside and it's snowing, he brushes it off saying "Ah Oh". Which is especially funny because this isn't a little boy who is afraid of getting dirty.


Maginot said...

I love that first pic of Lucas, so so cute! Merry Christmas Jake & Jenni!

kim west said...

i so stalked you and i am glad i did! You are so cute. Your family is so cute. I am cuter for having known you. I am seriously jealous that i don't know what is going on with you and other people are your friends now! anyways! I love you!